Welcome to Cocolalla Conservatory:

Your New Local North Idaho Dance Studio!

Pictured: McKhayla Pettingill, former student

A Dance-Filled Summer Awaits…

Register For Our Summer Sessions!

We are Hiring!!!

Do you have a dance background and are qualified to teach ballet or other forms of dance? Contact us for the chance to be a part of the Cocolalla Conservatory Staff!

Pictured: Melendie Pettingill with Students of Pointe Relevé (our former dance studio in Mesa, AZ)

Dancing Dreams

- R. Pettingill

Every girl dreams of dancing, 

And for more than just a few,

These dreams of dancing oft include 

Ballet slippers and tutu.

Tendu, plie, now pirouette, 

Pique, arabesque, sous-sos…

Grace and posture, balance, poise, 

…and even power, too!

That's her on stage in the spotlight, 

Showing what she always knew…

 That dreams of “princess dancing”

Really do (with work!) come true.

If tippy toe dancing is something 

YOU truly long to do…

Cocolalla Conservatory

extends this invitation now to you:

Come join our ballet studio, 

Train hard (and when it hurts, push through!),

Then you’ll be there up on the stage, 

Making your dancing dreams come true!

Pictured: Students of Pointe Relevé (our former studio in Mesa, AZ)

Our Mission

Cocolalla Conservatory is a classical ballet school that focuses on the technique and discipline of the art while fostering confidence, grace, artistry, and athleticism through quality instruction and performance opportunities

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